MIAB your favorite?


Dirty Little Secret OG
DLS Deluxe
JHS Sweet Tea
JHS Angry Charlie
Nux Plex
Nux Fireman
Neunabor Neuron
Boss something?
TC Electronics AmpWorks
Walrus Audio Voyager MKII
Carl Martin Plexi
Carl Martin Panama
Friedman BE-OD
Vox Copperhead
Bogner Ecxtacy
Other (please comment)
I only have experience with a few listed, but if I had to choose, I’d say the JHS AT, which I believe is based on the JHS Angry Charlie?
My "Today On The Gear Forum" quibble is some of those are not very .... uhmmm..... "Marshally,"
in my experience.

I have a Bogner Blue on my board right now that I change out with a Lovepedal Purple Plexi.
There's a few others I could get by with. The DLS is great because of the internal Superlead/Superbass

The Lovepedal PP is just more Marshally to my ears. The Bogner Blue is both smoother and fatter/thicker.
Not as Marshally.

Lots of great options out there, but that Marshall percussiveness with that upper-mid, glassy,
kerrang is tough as nails to get spot on in a pedal with diodes and transistors and op amps. :idk
My "Today On The Gear Forum" quibble is some of those are not very .... uhmmm..... "Marshally,"
in my experience.

I have a Bogner Blue on my board right now that I change out with a Lovepedal Purple Plexi.
There's a few others I could get by with. The DLS is great because of the internal Superlead/Superbass

The Lovepedal PP is just more Marshally to my ears. The Bogner Blue is both smoother and fatter/thicker.
Not as Marshally.

Lots of great options out there, but that Marshall percussiveness with that upper-mid, glassy,
kerrang is tough as nails to get spot on in a pedal with diodes and transistors and op amps. :idk

This is probably why I haven’t grabbed one yet. I have two amps that do outstanding Marshall tones so the Marshall style amp in a box pedal isn’t high on my list.
If the BE-OD was too bright for you the AT+ may be worth checking out - it has a lot of mids (where the BE-OD is more scoopy) and has a good range of high end control with the EQ and Air knobs. It's way more versatile than the BE-OD too with the boost (which can also be used just as a one knob tube screamer) and the different "wattage" voicings.
The DLS is probably the one I do want to try the most. See how it does through a Vibrolux feeding a 4x12 of greenbacks.
Lovepedal Purple Plexi + Boost