Marshall Guv'Nor

James Freeman

Rock Star
The late 80s were very interesting times for Marshall, clipping diodes/LEDs everywhere; in amps like the Silver Jubilee and the JCM800 2210, and the first MIAB pedals was no exception, fits right in that era.
I wanted to complete my 80s Marshall collection, so I procured a Guv'Nor reissue.

Play some Heartwork.

TGF isn't ready for the most brutal Guv'Nor boosted 5150 downtuned metal sound.... on the planet.
For 1993 this album sounds insanely good, it can be held as reference even today, Carcass's previous and next albums don't sound as good as Heartwork, I enjoyed it this morning very much.

Awesome! :beer

Are you familiar with how Gary Moore used the Guv'nor?? :idk
Yep, boosted a JTM45, plenty of reverb.
Gary will sound like Gary through anything; flawless playing, pitch perfect bends, precise picking attack, full control over his guitar, he was truly one of the greatest.
A neighbour of mine in the 90's had the Guv'Nor it sounded good from memory - I had the Shredmaster in the 90's which when mixed with a Rocktek compressor in front gave an almost Zack Wydle sound into a clean amp.
I have an original one, it was my first distortion pedal… it has great sounds, but when bypassed it sucks tone like there’s no tomorrow. I did not realize when I was younger because I did not need a clean tone and would never turn it off 🙄

A few years ago I put it back on the pedalboard and I needed to put a looper around it. But yes, that Gary Moore tone…
If only those new Marshall pedals weren't so fucking hideous looking. I get "authentic 80s", but we also don't sport shoulder pads and neon parachute pants again. (Or are we there again yet? Can I start growing hair?)

I had a Guvnor 2 Plus. It was a very good sounding pedal once, that really delivered those Marshall sounds (or at least 1) in the box. Sadly it crapped out so I guess the build quality wasn't all that great, bc it never saw a gig, it just spent some years in the attic.
The Guv'nor is a nice classic! Unfortunately all four of the reissue pedals aimed to recreate the originals with all the old flaws - lacking output volume, flimsy pots (after a while), not sure about the footswitches but both my old Shredmaster and Drivemaster have switches that aren't too happy to respond. DeOx helped a bit, still wacky tho.