ISP Decimator ProRackG WITH Boss NS-2?


I have a Boss NS-2 and an ISP Decimator ProRackG. I have the NS-2 with a Maxon OD808 in a send>return loop going to the front of the amp. I have the ISP channel 1 running to the effects loop (channel 2 not in use). But I read that I should run channel 1 of the ISP in front, and channel 2 in the effects loop. How would this affect the NS-2 and the OD808?

The only reason I set it up with both the NS-2 and Decimator is because I was chasing Adam D’s tone back in 2008 or so and read that he ran both this same exact way. I just never used channel 2 of the ISP.

Should I hook the ISP up the recommended way and just put the NS-2 before/after it? Or just do away with the NS-2 altogether? Figured I could use the NS-2 for some djenty parts that need clean chugs and then shut it off when I don’t need it.

Here is what I’m thinking..

Guitar > Korg DTR-2000 tuner input

Korg output > Boss NS-2 (loop with Maxon OD808)

Boss NS-2 output > ISP Decimator ProRackG channel 1 input

ISP Decimator ProRackG channel 1 output > front of 5150II.

Peavey effects send > ISP Decimator ProRackG channel 2 input

ISP Decimator ProRackG channel 2 output > Rocktron Replifex input

Rocktron Replifex output > Maxon AD9 input

Maxon AD9 output > BBE Sonic Maximizer 362 A input

BBE Sonic Maximizer 362 A output > 5150II effects return

Does anyone else run anything similar to this? I’ve never educated myself on how to run a proper signal chain.
I have a Boss NS-2 and an ISP Decimator ProRackG. I have the NS-2 with a Maxon OD808 in a send>return loop going to the front of the amp. I have the ISP channel 1 running to the effects loop (channel 2 not in use). But I read that I should run channel 1 of the ISP in front, and channel 2 in the effects loop. How would this affect the NS-2 and the OD808?

The only reason I set it up with both the NS-2 and Decimator is because I was chasing Adam D’s tone back in 2008 or so and read that he ran both this same exact way. I just never used channel 2 of the ISP.

Should I hook the ISP up the recommended way and just put the NS-2 before/after it? Or just do away with the NS-2 altogether? Figured I could use the NS-2 for some djenty parts that need clean chugs and then shut it off when I don’t need it.

Here is what I’m thinking..

Guitar > Korg DTR-2000 tuner input

Korg output > Boss NS-2 (loop with Maxon OD808)

Boss NS-2 output > ISP Decimator ProRackG channel 1 input

ISP Decimator ProRackG channel 1 output > front of 5150II.

Peavey effects send > ISP Decimator ProRackG channel 2 input

ISP Decimator ProRackG channel 2 output > Rocktron Replifex input

Rocktron Replifex output > Maxon AD9 input

Maxon AD9 output > BBE Sonic Maximizer 362 A input

BBE Sonic Maximizer 362 A output > 5150II effects return

Does anyone else run anything similar to this? I’ve never educated myself on how to run a proper signal chain.
It's just like my g-string II this. It needs to see the direct guitar input first order for the second gate to track correctly.....if you use it like this ... nothing beats is.....also, always before time based effects and global EQ.


also, this will negate the need for the ns2.

That's a lot of gate.....


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I have a Boss NS-2 and an ISP Decimator ProRackG. I have the NS-2 with a Maxon OD808 in a send>return loop going to the front of the amp. I have the ISP channel 1 running to the effects loop (channel 2 not in use). But I read that I should run channel 1 of the ISP in front, and channel 2 in the effects loop. How would this affect the NS-2 and the OD808?

The only reason I set it up with both the NS-2 and Decimator is because I was chasing Adam D’s tone back in 2008 or so and read that he ran both this same exact way. I just never used channel 2 of the ISP.

Should I hook the ISP up the recommended way and just put the NS-2 before/after it? Or just do away with the NS-2 altogether? Figured I could use the NS-2 for some djenty parts that need clean chugs and then shut it off when I don’t need it.

Here is what I’m thinking..

Guitar > Korg DTR-2000 tuner input

Korg output > Boss NS-2 (loop with Maxon OD808)

Boss NS-2 output > ISP Decimator ProRackG channel 1 input

ISP Decimator ProRackG channel 1 output > front of 5150II.

Peavey effects send > ISP Decimator ProRackG channel 2 input

ISP Decimator ProRackG channel 2 output > Rocktron Replifex input

Rocktron Replifex output > Maxon AD9 input

Maxon AD9 output > BBE Sonic Maximizer 362 A input

BBE Sonic Maximizer 362 A output > 5150II effects return

Does anyone else run anything similar to this? I’ve never educated myself on how to run a proper signal chain.
Just zero in to your "Tonal Delights", if you have gear that people don't like and if it works for your needs .... 😎👍

Sonic Maximizers are a great way to align frequencies that Eq's or Compressors, can't.

Have fun in your Tone Quest !!!!