How is the Quad Cortex for bass? Playing through a bunch of Neural bass presets


Playing through a bunch of Neural DSP Quad Cortex bass presets with a Warwick Vampyre SN-5. Some very simple riffs to demo the tone of the presets. No processing other than a limiter to try and get up to regular streaming service volumes.

Really looking forward to when they port over the Parallax plugin, that should be a lot of fun.
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I used mine for bass many times direct to FOH. It was incredibly good. However this video, not so much. What happened?

I'm not sure what you mean. Does something sound off? Could be the limiter, let me turn that off and reupload.

Might also be Youtube.

Also, are you perhaps using a video where the bass is processed for reference?

At any rate, I've:

a) Changed the limiter
b) Checked the levels to see that nothing is clipping
c) Reuploaded again on Youtube

Thanks for letting me know about this.

Do note, these are all presets and I'm sure programmed very well.
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