Finger Ease or Similar


Rock Star
Do you use it?
Does it cake up your fretboard?
What others are there?

I've held off on buying some, mainly because I already neglect cleaning my guitars. But with gloss finishes, my hand doesn't slide freely (I will use a small amount of baby powder), and I miss my intended fret too often, when sliding fast into a note.

Put some baby powder on, and then I pass the note I want. :facepalm So if I'm gonna start using something like Finger Ease, it'd be with the hope that it helps with consistently landing on the notes I'm sliding into.

To put it another way, with a gloss neck, the "grabbiness" or stickiness fluctuates with humidity. So I'd want a product that gives a consistent slick-ness, so that the only variable would then be how good I am with sticking (no pun intended, haha) my landing.
I used to play guitar in a band with a guy that used it.

One time he asked to try my guitar, and I let him.. Look over and he spraying that crap all over my strings & fretboard.

Got it back and was really pissed at him because that shit is a mess. Had to change strings and clean the fretboard to get rid of it.
I used to play guitar in a band with a guy that used it.

One time he asked to try my guitar, and I let him.. Look over and he spraying that crap all over my strings & fretboard.

Got it back and was really pissed at him because that shit is a mess. Had to change strings and clean the fretboard to get rid of it.
Here, take it back and put some buckle rash on it too, while yer at it! :facepalm

Yeah, I'm not really wanting to use something that's gonna gunk my guitar all up. My concern is that they're all going to do that.
I briefly used the rub on kind years ago, and is was mainly on an acoustic. Some guys swear by the stuff but I don't really care for it much.
I would use it occasionally at outdoor gigs if it was humid. Yeah it could get messy but after a hot humid gig the strings would usually be shot anyway.
I always use this

