Do you have an aesthetic type?


I guess I do, and it seems to be vintage sunburst/tobacco that floats my boat.
It wasn't planned to be this way, it was more of a natural selection process over many years.
I liked some Pelham Blue and Silver Mist Poly Les Pauls.
When I shopped for the G&L Doheny, I thought maybe Surf Green would be a nice change.
But in the end it always seems to be the brown/orange/amber that my heart truly desires.

Gibson Hummingbird Studio Walnut
Gibson Les Paul Studio Deluxe
G&L CLF Doheny V12

I guess I do, and it seems to be vintage sunburst/tobacco that floats my boat.
It wasn't planned to be this way, it was more of a natural selection process over many years.
I liked some Pelham Blue and Silver Mist Poly Les Pauls.
When I shopped for the G&L Doheny, I thought maybe Surf Green would be a nice change.
But in the end it always seems to be the brown/orange/amber that my heart truly desires.

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Looks nice to me.
I like colourful guitars as a preference. Though as I often buy second hand I don't always get the colour I want.

Like on the Show Me Your 7s thread I showed my dark, KM7 which I bought secondhand at a great deal but if I was to buy it new at the time this edition was out I would've chosen the Lambo Orange version of this guitar posted in the same thread.

Same with my Schecter Apocalypse which is a wood finish. I would've bought the red one new.

Beggars can't be choosers I guess.
I like plain Janes. Solid colors are preferred. Dots or no markers. Rosewood fingerboard.

I hate bookmatched tops. They never line up properly and look stupid.

I hate bursts. Sunburst is bleh, tobacco burst is worse, friggen clownburst just straight up makes me want to kick a baby bunny. Honeyburst is ok if it’s really light.

I hate maple fretboards. Especially Birdseye.
My eyes seem drawn to cool turqs, metallics, purples, but in reality 98% of my guitars are either red, black, vintage white, sunburst. :rofl
I've come to realise that my aesthetic is very polarised. I either like open pore/wood finishes, or sparkly-blingy things. Solid colours rarely ever do it for me unless they're a pastel shade. I guess this is very 70s american aesthetic?
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I like "earth" tones that aren't too crazy, like greens and browns (no surprise I own those 2 colors in the Majesty, lol.)
But blue is my favorite color, so I like, and have owned 2, blue guitars as well. Er, I guess blue is also an earth tone- sky, water. Duh

I prefer to see the grain of the wood, but I like it to be fairly "even", if that makes sense. Not a big fan of quilts, although certain ones have caught my attention.

I don't mind bookmatched tops, but like mentioned above, the deeper they have to carve into the blanks to create the shape of the guitar, the more they won't appear to match at the glue joint. I don't mind that they're not mirror images though, since that's simply the nature of wood.

All in all, I prefer a guitar that showcases it's made of wood. And as such, I can't stand pickguards of any type, especially on Strats. Hate strats for the most part for that main reason. And all the phillips screws holding it. :sofa
I sold a MIM HSS Strat and a G&L SSS Strat - both tobacco burst - to purchase an Ultra SSS Strat.

Guess what? Tobacco burst! In my defence, it was that or double the price for a Suhr. Our local music stores stopped stocking lots of Fenders in the last few years.

I kept my Squier semi-hollow Tele. Tobacco burst with Perloid pickguard.

I also have a Sunburst PRS SE 245, and Metallic Cherry Reverend Airsonic and a Gold Andromeda ESP LTD-1000 Deluxe.

I really can't say why all my Fenders have been Tobacco, apart from the Ultra where I had little choice. :idk
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Any finish that looks like a muscle car or speedboat.

Couldn't give a fuck what the wood looks like underneath.
Just like you I just love those old sunburst and tobacco burst…

The only thing that could make choose another color is buying a les Paul goldtop.