Can Anyone Explain This- New Guitars Being Sold As Used, Mint, 26% Off


Rock Star
I keep an eye on Majesties, and the # of items available has been constantly rising the past year, both new & used.

We're already talking about the economy in another thread, so I think it's safe to say we understand what's going on.

But my question is, What is this music store doing?

2 brand new Majesties, discounted from list price, exactly 26%, and now classified as Used. Do they have to keep them advertised for so long before they can do that? Or do they actually buy them from EBMM, then sell for whatever they want? Do they call them used so that EBMM can be taken out of the picture for any warranty claims? Iow, I realize part of the profit of any sale goes to fund warranty work; Remove the potential for any claims, and yes, you could now sell for less.

Are there usually agreements with the manufacturer re how much discount they're allowed to give? And if so, does that number adjust, the longer the item has gone unsold? Reason I'm wondering this, is they also have 2 more models, same exact guitar, but only discounted 11%. Just a different color. Same exact model, same condition- Used, Mint.

Reason I ask all this, I want to buy a new Blue Silk model. I mean, I will get one. (When I find one that has the strings perfectly centered, and the top doesn't look like it's made from 2 different pieces of wood that took stain very differently! :facepalm) But with the way things are, there's no effin way I'm buying one, unless I can get 20% off, or at least pretty close. So I'm hoping to get some inside info into how this stuff works, and seeing these 2 guitars today on Reverb has given me some clues.

Anyone have any ideas?

Demand is way down, supply is way up, what's next? Prices need to adjust. Pretty simple.
Maybe they were returns that weren’t really touched? Immediate buyer’s remorse guitars?

Some companies will dictate how much their product can be sold for, Mesa was known for this for a long time, I can’t remember what percentage it was or if it was just ‘nothing below the MSRP”. It’s been almos 25 years since I last saw a dealer contract, I can’t remember any details about that stuff from other companies.
Or do they actually buy them from EBMM, then sell for whatever they want?

Not sure about everything else but a huge NO to this part.
You want to maintain a wide distribution network for high end USA made guitars.
That means not allowing the mega big box retailers to undercut all the medium and smaller tier dealers on your roster.
Yep. Along with PRICE TOO LOW TO PRINT, just another way for retailers to not piss of a manufacturer for selling something new under the MAP. Thems the deals!